Attention: Beginner guitarist
Discover the one thing that is holding you back from sounding like a "real" guitarist
Stop feeling frustrated trying to change through chords
Instead, discover how to make anything you play sound like music. 
Go from sounding stiff and clumsy (like a beginner), to impressing your family and friends, even if you only know a couple of chords.
You are tired of following the common path, learning chords and trying to switch from one to the other fast, and still sounding like a beginner after all those hours of practice
Now you’re looking to play your favorite songs fluently and with confidence, and make everyone adore your playing.
You want to quickly stop sounding like a beginner so…
You researched on Youtube
👉 BUT every video takes for granted that you can strum on time and make those chord changes fast.

Most Youtube videos are not structured to get you a result, they are meant for you to watch as long as possible, not giving you the tools you need to succeed.

They will show you the "what to do", but you need the "how can you do it".
You tried watching your favorite players or listening to records
👉 BUT music on records is way too fast for beginners.

After a couple of listens to a song, you felt like you had no talent or ability to figure it out.

And got frustrated and went on to play the same things you always play, and picking your guitar up was not as fun anymore.

You even took some guitar lessons
👉 BUT most instructors teach in exactly in the same, old, boring way that they themselves were taught.

Learning chords, and chord changes, and barre chords...

Which takes you down a costly path and slow progress.

You want to play in way That makes others want to listen to you, so…
Here’s a bold question for you
What if you could stop focusing on changing chords and instead, start play music right away, fluently and with confidence?
In a way that makes everyone around you wants to hear you play...
Sounds too good to be true?
Keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how!
Like Theresa, that wanted to be able to play for her family at Christmas.
She went from struggling to change chords to playing 3 full songs in 2 weeks👍
She even had spare time to practice with her grand daughter and they performed for their whole family on Christmas day.
I’ll be honest with you
My guitar journey wasn't easy
When I started playing the guitar, my father told me the first thing I should learn were "chords". After months of practice, finger and wrist pain, the most I could play was exactly that: a couple chords. Not music, just chords.

👉And then he told me to learn barre chords😱 And that I had to be able to switch from a C to an F fast!

I don't know about you, but that was HARD!

Eventually, after a year and-a-half of struggle, I was capable of stumbling through some of the songs my father was trying to teach me.

But believe me, I did not sound anything like a guitarist, yet...
Then One Day...
My father showed me a video of Woodstock, and I was introduced to Hendrix, The Who, CSN&Y, Santana, Richie Havens, Ten Years After... 

From then on I focused most of my attention on one thing:


❌ I bought all the tapes I could find (yes, VHS) and played them over and over trying to figure out what these great players were doing.❌

Little did I know that those two words my father told me the first day, "OPEN CHORDS", would take me down a path of frustration and poor results. 
I tried...
❌ Figuring out what chords they used
❌ Observing what licks or notes they played
❌ I even bought myself an electric guitar, thinking that would help...

I told myself: If I try harder I will eventually get there!

I just need to practice more...
For ten years I tried every approach, I practiced every afternoon, and finally...

I was invited to join a local band where I would be the lead guitarist (a dream come true!) however...

What I'm about to tell you is very emabarrasing... But you need to know!

Keep in mind I had been playing for more than 10 years at this point, and considered myself a pretty good guitarist.

In the first rehearsal with the band, the other guitarist came up to me and said: 
Den, your rhythm is horrible! You have to fix it. You are making the band sound bad...
And that's when it hit me!
I had never focused on rhythm
All those years of practice trying to sound like my heroes, I always looked towards the neck. I concentrated on chords, riffs, even fancy scales... But never on rhythm!
I then realized that rhythm is what brings everything together.

No matter how many chords you know, or how fast you can change through them, if you don't play with rhythm it won't sound like music.

This is why those two little words "open chords" are so harmful.

Because they send the message to your brain that the "chord" hand is the important one. They make you focus on the wrong hand!

This is why you are struggling, and why I struggled for so many years too.

If you want to play music, you need to focus your attention on your rhythm hand.

Even if you just know 1 or 2 chords, with rhythm they will always sound great. They will sound like music.

Focusing on rhythm will make you sound like if the guitar was native to you.

Do you want to play chords or do you want to play music?
  • Get out of the "beginner rut" today! 
  • ​Know when and how to change chords in a song 
  • Discover how to batch 100's of songs that use the same chords 
  • Finally strum with confidence in a way people will want to listen to! 
  • Sound just like the records 
  • ​Create your own rhythm patterns and sound unique 
  • Play along to your favorite songs 
  • Play 1000's of songs with one search! 
  • ​Get your "Golden Pick" and certificate 
The most important thing - rhythm course
The best thing?
Rhythm is the easiest thing to learn!
(Even if you think you were not born with a natural sense for it🥰)
If i had known this in the beginning, it would have saved me years of frustration and practice.
So how does it work exactly?
it's a common false belief that you have to be born with a sense of rhythm
But... how can you develop good rhythm and strum in a way everyone wants to listen? (even if you think you're not a natural)
All it takes are
3 Simple Steps
Watch this short video to discover how easy it is
Wait a minute... Is it really that simple? You bet!
all the music you'll ever want to play is based on this basic principle
Welcome to...
The most important thing

Rhythm Course For Beginners

The best course for beginner guitarists that want to be able to play relaxed and with confidence, and finally be able strum their favorite songs in a way that sounds convincing, in just a weekend.

Module 1

WHAT YOU'll learn
  • How to identify different rhythm structures of the songs you love.
  • ​How to strum perfectly on time.
  • What is 3/4, 6/8, or 4/4 and how to play them (without theory)
  • Get your motor running to play any song!

Module 2

WHAT YOU'll learn
  • The 5 essential strumming patterns for 1000's of songs.
  • Different strumming to create different "moods".
  • Create your own strumming patterns and sound unique!
  • What the pro's do to get their sound!

Module 3

WHAT YOU'll learn
  • When to change through chords.
  • How to find the songs you can play right now!
  • ​How to understand Tab.
  • ​When is it ok to skip a chord.
  • Combine different patterns inside of a song to make it sound super interesting.

Module 4

WHAT YOU'll learn
  • Sound exactly like the records.
  • How to add accents and percussion.
  • How to slow down music to be able to play-along.
  • Add feeling to your playing.


  • Get your "Golden Pick"
  • Create and name your own strumming pattern and get the official certificate!
  • ​Use it to play your favorite songs.
Join now and you'll get
instant access to:
  • The Rhythm Within ($39.00)
  • ​Rhythm Patterns ($27.00)
  • ​Song structure ($19.00)
  • ​Ethical Stealing ($17.00)
  • ​Nail your songs ($17.00)
  • ​Cheatsheets and printables ($7.00)
  • The Circle or Erase Method ($Priceless!)
Total Value = $127,00
Today's Price = Only $37
But wait - there's more!
Action Taker Bonuses
When you act now you also get 5 incredible bonuses
completely for free!
BONUS#1 (tool)

20 Backing tracks

(VALUE $97.00)
  • Made specifically for beginners (every beat is clearly defined).
  • ​1, 2, 3, and 4 chord tracks for easy playing.
  • ​Different speeds to quickly build your skills.
  • Say goodbye to the metronome and hello to playing with your own band! (Only drum tracks also included)
BONUS#2 (training)

Easy Chord changes

(VALUE $27.00)
  • Discover the easiest chord changes for beginners.
  • ​Chord progressions without lifting up your fingers (Yes! It's possible!)
  • ​Anchor fingers for faster chord changes.
BONUS#3 (training)

incredible song finder

(VALUE $47.00)
  • Find 100's of songs you can play today.
  • Choose the chords you feel most comfortable with and filter songs that only use those chords!
  • Quickly learn full songs.
  • ​1000's of songs available with links to tabs.
BONUS#4 (e-book)

101 strumming patterns

(VALUE $19.00)
  • Every strumming pattern you will ever need to play the songs you love.
  • ​Immediate download (Virtual book also included to view on your phone).
  • ​The 1 minute exercise to fix your timing forever!
  • ​Find strumming patterns for every genre (Folk, Rock, Pop, Country, Singer-Song writer...!
BONUS#5 (support)

unlimited email support

(VALUE $297.00)
  • Get any guitar-related question answered 24/7 (weekdays).
  • ​Written and video explanations.
  • ​Never get stuck again! Ask how many questions you want or need.
  • ​Questions not related to this course also supported.
Total Value Including Bonuses = $489.00
Today's Price = Only $37
Frequently asked questions
Q: I just started playing. Will this course work for me too?
A: Yes! This course is designed to skip all frustration and start playing music right away!
Q: If I sign up, will I be billed monthly?
A: No monthly payments. You get full, unlimited access to the course and bonuses with a one-time payment of $37.
Q: How much support is included? I really need someone to show me personally.
A: There is a 24h written and video support (on weekdays) included. This means that you will get all your questions answered within 1 day max.
Q: Is this opportunity always available? Can I get it next month?
A: This is a limited-time offer and we cannot guarantee this pricing next month.
Q: When will I get access?
A: You get immediate access to the full course and bonuses. You will be able to download the books, backing tracks and cheat sheets right away. 
Q: Can I cancel and still get my money back?
A: Yes, you are covered by our 30-day 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked.
Q: If I ask for a refund, do I get to keep what I've downloaded?
A: Yes, you have immediate access to all downloads! You can download all books and backing tracks and keep them forever.
Q: Why are you giving all this away so cheap? Is there a catch?
A: There is no catch! I created this course to give you the best opportunity to start playing the way you want fast. My hope is that you find so much value in it, that it's the start of a great relationship between us.

Learning Guitar secrets

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