Attention: Beginner Guitarists

We Have Discovered 'The One Thing' 

That's Holding You Back From Becoming The Player Confident Enough To Play In Front Of Family And Friends

That Nobody Told You To Focus On...

And has nothing to do with chords, scales, or theory!

Delivered in your personal member's area

Attention: Beginner Guitarists

We Have Discovered 'The One Thing' 

That's Holding You Back From Becoming The Player Confident Enough To Play In Front Of Family And Friends

That Nobody Told You To Focus On...

And has nothing to do with chords, scales, or theory!

Delivered in your personal member's area

Everything is backed by our 30-day money back guarantee, so you can try The Most Important Thing rhythm course completely risk-free for a full month and still get a full refund within 30 days. Order today to get instant access to all the lessons, downloadable material, bonuses and 1-on-1 support.
Everything is backed by our 30-day money back guarantee, so you can try The Most Important Thing rhythm course completely risk-free for a full month and still get a full refund within 30 days. 
Order today to get instant access to all the lessons, downloadable material, bonuses and 
1-on-1 support.

Attention: Beginner Guitarist 

New Guitar Course Reveals

The Most Important Thing

Why Beginners Struggle And How To Fix It 

Attention: Beginner Guitarist 

New Guitar Course Reveals

The Most 

Important Thing

Why Beginners Struggle 
And How To Fix It 

From: Den López
Barcelona, Spain.

My name is Den López and I’m the chief instructor and founder at Learning Guitar Secrets.

After playing for 25 years and teaching countless students, I have found THE ONE THING, the key component, that makes beginners sound like great guitarists.

Learning and mastering this one thing gave me the ability to record as a session musician, record my own album or go to any open mic session (without much preparation). 


I can go live on facebook or youtube and enjoy playing without feeling I’m going to mess up.

Learning this ONE THING even gave me the ability to play bass on my album (And I’m not even a bass player!) 

From: Den López
Barcelona, Spain.

My name is Den López and I’m the chief instructor and founder at Learning Guitar Secrets.

After playing for 25 years and teaching countless students, I have found THE ONE THING, the key component, that makes beginners sound like great guitarists.

Learning and mastering this one thing gave me the ability to record as a session musician, record my own album or go to any open mic session (without much preparation). 


I can go live on facebook or youtube and enjoy playing without feeling I’m going to mess up.

Learning this ONE THING even gave me the ability to play bass on my album (And I’m not even a bass player!) 

But you see, it wasn’t always like this…

After almost getting kicked out of my band I knew I had to put a solution to fix my sloppy playing.
But you see, it wasn’t always like this…

After almost getting kicked out of my band I knew I had to put a solution to 
fix my sloppy playing.

Let me take you back to when I first started 
learning to play the guitar.

Let me take you back to when I first started learning to play the guitar.

I learned guitar like everyone else. Like you are probably trying to learn.

My father taught me my first 'open' chords. 

I remember trying to reach that C chord for months. And trying to switch chords from a D to an E to an F

What a struggle! Right?
I learned guitar like everyone else. Like you are probably trying to learn.

My father taught me my first 'open' chords. 

I remember trying to reach that C chord for months. And trying to switch chords from a D to an E to an F

What a struggle! Right?
Then I got into people like Clapton or Hendrix and I would spend hours watching video recordings of them, trying to figure out what chords they were playing? What scales or licks did they use?

No matter how hard I tried, or how close I got to how my heroes sounded, I did not sound quite the same.

I always felt something was missing. 

  • I could play the chords
  • I could play the scales
  • I knew the licks, but...
Then I got into people like Clapton or Hendrix and I would spend hours watching video recordings of them, trying to figure out what chords they were playing? What scales or licks did they use?

No matter how hard I tried, or how close I got to how my heroes sounded, I did not sound quite the same.

I always felt something was missing. 

  • I could play the chords
  • I could play the scales
  • I knew the licks, but...

Something was wrong but I couldn't really figure out what it was.

Something was wrong but I
couldn't really figure out what it was.

After years of playing I got invited to join a band where I could be the lead guitarist (my dream)

I still remember that day, that very moment where I felt the most embarrassed in my life.

After a six hour practice marathon with the band we all decided to take a break and discuss how the session was turning out. 

This is when the other guitarists in the band said to me: Den, your rhythm sucks. Your timing is completely off. Fix it. You sound bad.

Then it hit me: 

It's Was My Rhythm That Was Off!

After years of playing I got invited to join a band where I could be the lead guitarist (my dream)

I still remember that day, that very moment where I felt the most embarrassed in my life.

After a six hour practice marathon with the band we all decided to take a break and discuss how the session was turning out. 

This is when the other guitarists in the band said to me: Den, your rhythm sucks. Your timing is completely off. Fix it. You sound bad.

Then it hit me: 

It's Was My Rhythm That Was Off!

All those years I had focused on learning and playing all those chords cleanly. 
On learning the licks.
On being able to change chords quickly, without focusing on the backbone of music, rhythm.

I had been so focused on learning the lights and whistles on my “fretting” hand that 
I had completely neglected my “rhythm” hand.

I remember how much those words hurt. I wanted to scream that it was not my fault! 

I remember thinking to myself: Maybe I don’t have a natural sense of rhythm. Maybe my timing is not fixable.

After playing for 15 years, I had to find a solution.

I started to ask other guitarists and look into magazines but could not find what was wrong. 

Then I thought I would try to play to my favourite records, but the music was too fast to keep up and learn at the same time. 
All those years I had focused on learning and playing all those chords cleanly. 
On learning the licks.
On being able to change chords quickly, without focusing on the backbone of music, rhythm.

I had been so focused on learning the lights and whistles on my “fretting” hand that 
I had completely neglected my “rhythm” hand.

I remember how much those words hurt. I wanted to scream that it was not my fault! 

I remember thinking to myself: Maybe I don’t have a natural sense of rhythm. Maybe my timing is not fixable.

After playing for 15 years, I had to find a solution.

I started to ask other guitarists and look into magazines but could not find what was wrong. 

Then I thought I would try to play to my favourite records, but the music was too fast to keep up and learn at the same time. 
I turned to the masters of rhythm: drummers.

I talked to all the drummers I knew, and watched countless videos and then I found it.
I turned to the masters of rhythm: drummers.

I talked to all the drummers I knew, and watched countless videos and then I found it.

I found a video. A gem. Hidden inside the youtube maze. 

I found a video. A gem. 
Hidden inside the youtube maze. 

In that video, the drummer talked about rhythm structures in a different way. A way that I could relate to. Simple. And it struck to me like lightning. My big AHA moment.

I could apply what this drummer was teaching to my guitar playing.

It was so simple!

I can’t believe it instantly worked so well! 

After applying what I want to teach you, I was suddenly in the pocket. On time. And integrated with my band. 

Even playing by myself sounded so much better! So much more musical!
In that video, the drummer talked about rhythm structures in a different way. A way that I could relate to. Simple. And it struck to me like lightning. My big AHA moment.

I could apply what this drummer was teaching to my guitar playing.

It was so simple!

I can’t believe it instantly worked so well! 

After applying what I want to teach you, I was suddenly in the pocket. On time. And integrated with my band. 

Even playing by myself sounded so much better! So much more musical!

Looking back I understand why it took me so long...

It was not my fault. I was set up for failure right from the start because of how guitar is taught!

Everyone starts by learning the chords, the scales, the licks, the lights and whistles.

Think about it. What is the first thing you learned? Probably chords right?

Guitar teachers, magazines and youtube tutorials are making us believe those things are the fundamentals and they are not!

Rhythm is what makes music sound like music. The one, the two, the three, the four. 

Get your rhythm in place and you'll sound great, even if you're playing two notes. 

Once I realised this, my playing was completely transformed.

Looking back I understand why it took me so long...

It was not my fault. I was set up for failure right from the start because of how guitar is taught!

Everyone starts by learning the chords, the scales, the licks, the lights and whistles.

Think about it. What is the first thing you learned? Probably chords right?

Guitar teachers, magazines and youtube tutorials are making us believe those things are the fundamentals and they are not!

Rhythm is what makes music sound like music. The one, the two, the three, the four. 

Get your rhythm in place and you'll sound great, even if you're playing two notes. 

Once I realised this, my playing was completely transformed.

I’ve been able to record in a professional studio.

Record a song my father started 35 years ago and never finished. A song that makes him proud every time he listens to it.

I’ve been invited to join many bands and have recorded as a session musician and as a solo artist.

I’m able to go to a bar, or a party, or at a campfire and play songs that people clap for and ask for more.

I have been able to play my kids to sleep. My older son and I even have a song we made up together. We sing it often as a family and that builds beautiful moments that they will remember forever.

I’m able to pick up my guitar and enjoy playing for hours, in the pocket, just because I discovered this one thing I want to teach you.

But not only that. I’ve been able to teach this to complete beginners and make them play beautiful guitar in a way that is effortless in hours. Not months, in hours.

If I only had one hour to teach you something on guitar, it would be lesson 1 of the course.

That is why I created THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. So you can get the One Thing that I learned and transplant into your playing to instantly sound like a real guitarist.

I’ve been able to record in a professional studio.

Record a song my father started 35 years ago and never finished. A song that makes him proud every time he listens to it.

I’ve been invited to join many bands and have recorded as a session musician and as a solo artist.

I’m able to go to a bar, or a party, or at a campfire and play songs that people clap for and ask for more.

I have been able to play my kids to sleep. My older son and I even have a song we made up together. We sing it often as a family and that builds beautiful moments that they will remember forever.

I’m able to pick up my guitar and enjoy playing for hours, in the pocket, just because I discovered this one thing I want to teach you.

But not only that. I’ve been able to teach this to complete beginners and make them play beautiful guitar in a way that is effortless in hours. Not months, in hours.

If I only had one hour to teach you something on guitar, it would be lesson 1 of the course.

That is why I created THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. So you can get the One Thing that I learned and transplant into your playing to instantly sound like a real guitarist.

New Course Reveals The Secret Weapon To Play Beautiful Guitar

The Most Important Thing 

The One Thing That Will Transform Your Playing Overnight!

So you don’t go down the path of trying to learn every chord or scale under the sun and still sound the same.

The idea is so simple. Once you know the trick you’ll be like: It makes so much sense! And you’ll be able to play with ease.

New Course Reveals The Secret Weapon To Play Beautiful Guitar

The Most

 Important Thing 

The One Thing That Will Transform Your Playing Overnight!

So you don’t go down the path of trying to learn every chord or scale under the sun and still sound the same.

The idea is so simple. Once you know the trick you’ll be like: It makes so much sense! And you’ll be able to play with ease.

Here's What You're Getting Today

It took me 15 years to discover what you can learn today

  • ​Lifetime access which means you can go through the course at your own pace AND at your own schedule
  • ​Secure Member's Area access, wherever you are in the world.
  • Access the lessons on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device.

Inside This Course You Will Find:

  • How to deliver emotion, even if you only know how to play one chord
  • How to strum like a pro, even if you just got started.
  • ​When it’s ok to skip a chord.
  • ​How to play perfectly on time, even if you are not a natural.
  • ​Is the quality of your guitar affecting your playing?
  • ​When is it too late to learn?
  • ​How to know the chords to any song (and when to change them) - without theory.
  • ​When it’s ok to stop playing.
  • ​Does the kind of pick you use matter?
  • ​How to create your own strumming patterns
  • The secret every great guitar player knows.
  • Where to find the patterns your favourite artists use…and that you can too!
  • 5 ways to make your strumming more interesting.
  • ​The 3 musts of guitar playing.
  • ​Say goodbye to getting frustrated trying to learn a song you love.
  • ​How to eliminate stiffness.
  • ​How to make people want to listen to what you play.
  • What to do if you’re stuck learning chords and don’t see progress.
  • ​When to never change chords!
  • ​What most beginners learn that completely sabotages their playing.

Click Below To Get Immediate Access

And start playing beautiful guitar now!

Here's What You're Getting Today

It took me 15 years to discover what you can learn today

  • ​Lifetime access which means you can go through the course at your own pace AND at your own schedule
  • ​Secure Member's Area access, wherever you are in the world.
  • Access the lessons on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile device.

Inside This Course You Will Find:

  • How to deliver emotion, even if you only know how to play one chord
  • How to strum like a pro, even if you just got started.
  • ​When it’s ok to skip a chord.
  • ​How to play perfectly on time, even if you are not a natural.
  • ​Is the quality of your guitar affecting your playing?
  • ​When is it too late to learn?
  • ​How to know the chords to any song (and when to change them) - without theory.
  • ​When it’s ok to stop playing.
  • ​Does the kind of pick you use matter?
  • ​How to create your own strumming patterns
  • The secret every great guitar player knows.
  • Where to find the patterns your favourite artists use…and that you can too!
  • 5 ways to make your strumming more interesting.
  • ​The 3 musts of guitar playing.
  • ​Say goodbye to getting frustrated trying to learn a song you love.
  • ​How to eliminate stiffness.
  • ​How to make people want to listen to what you play.
  • What to do if you’re stuck learning chords and don’t see progress.
  • ​When to never change chords!
  • ​What most beginners learn that completely sabotages their playing.

Start playing beautiful guitar now!

Click Below To Get Immediate Access

What People That Took The Course Are Saying

I finally got it...

"Den's method really blew me away! I had always despaired of ever learning even the most basic guitar skills, but his method made me understand the fundamentals, giving me the tools to learn on my own and develop my love for the instrument. Thanks a ton Den!!!"

– John Fleming-

Quick Improvement

"Den’s method gets you started so quickly - after less than one hour of playing, I sounded like I had been playing for months! It’s a real confidence-builder, super fun, and very easy!"

-Scheherazade Brathwaite-

Best Course Ever!

"This course was a game-changer for me. I feel like rhythm was the missing link for me. Thank You!"

- Heather Rohn-

Confidence builder

I was able to play my first song the first day after having my guitar collecting dust for 2 years. Den really helps you to overcome the fear as a beginner. 
I recommend this course 100%"

-Ferrán Calero-

“Couch to 5K” for guitarists

I have played guitar for 38 years and taught for 10. 
I have also tried many approaches, books, courses, and lessons. 
Now and again, you find a course or resource that resonates - Learning Guitar Secrets is just that for me - 
While I am an experienced player; it is excellent at breaking down songs to be communicated in the simplest way 
Den Lopez manages to declutter guitar theory. 
To anyone who is starting out, is stuck, or is looking to show others how to play - Den Lopez and Learning Guitar Secrets- is the place.
In addition, the courses are of great value and most important of all is Den Lopez - his honesty, enthusiastic and straight approach 
Its the equivalent of “Couch to 5K” for guitarists

-Mark Robinson (Founder of Flint Guitar School)- Flint, North Wales UK

What People That Took The Course Are Saying

I finally got it...

"Den's method really blew me away! I had always despaired of ever learning even the most basic guitar skills, but his method made me understand the fundamentals, giving me the tools to learn on my own and develop my love for the instrument. Thanks a ton Den!!!"

– John Fleming-

Quick Improvement

"Den’s method gets you started so quickly - after less than one hour of playing, I sounded like I had been playing for months! It’s a real confidence-builder, super fun, and very easy!"

-Scheherazade Brathwaite-

Best Course Ever!

"This course was a game-changer for me. I feel like rhythm was the missing link for me. Thank You!"

- Heather Rohn-

Confidence builder

I was able to play my first song the first day after having my guitar collecting dust for 2 years. Den really helps you to overcome the fear as a beginner. 
I recommend this course 100%"

-Ferrán Calero-

“Couch to 5K” for guitarists

I have played guitar for 38 years and taught for 10. 
I have also tried many approaches, books, courses, and lessons. 
Now and again, you find a course or resource that resonates - Learning Guitar Secrets is just that for me - 
While I am an experienced player; it is excellent at breaking down songs to be communicated in the simplest way 
Den Lopez manages to declutter guitar theory. 
To anyone who is starting out, is stuck, or is looking to show others how to play - Den Lopez and Learning Guitar Secrets- is the place.
In addition, the courses are of great value and most important of all is Den Lopez - his honesty, enthusiastic and straight approach 
Its the equivalent of “Couch to 5K” for guitarists

-Mark Robinson (Founder of Flint Guitar School)- Flint, North Wales UK

As You Can See...

The Most Important Thing Has Already Helped 
Countless People Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

Here's What You're Getting Today

When you purchase the course you'll get immediate access to the One Thing that will change your playing

So You Can Immediately

  • Finally play and enjoy with ease
  • Feel confident with your strumming
  • Eliminate stiffness and arm pain
  • ​Build up your song catalog
  • Play with rhythm even if you are not a "natural"
  • Strum like a pro, even if you just got started

As You Can See...

The Most Important Thing 
Has Already Helped 
Countless People Around The World...

The Question Is, Are YOU Next?

Here's What You're Getting Today

When you purchase the course you'll get immediate access to the One Thing that will change your playing

So You Can Immediately

  • Finally play and enjoy with ease
  • Feel confident with your strumming
  • Eliminate stiffness and arm pain
  • ​Build up your song catalog
  • Play with rhythm even if you are not a "natural"
  • Strum like a pro, even if you just got started

Claim Access To Your Course Now and

Get These FREE Bonuses!

Claim Access To Your Course Now and

Get These FREE Bonuses!

Bonus #1 - The Incredible Chord Finder

"How To Find Songs You Can Play Today"

Total Value: $47.00

Could you use the same structures, rhythm patterns, and chords to play through hundreds or even thousands of songs?

In this training we discover how to search for those songs, with the chords we already know and the structures that repeat again and again.

This gives you the ability to build up your song repertoire fast! And without effort!

Learn one song and have them all!

Get This For FREE When You Access The Most Import Thing Today! 

Bonus #1 - The Incredible Chord Finder

"How To Find Songs 
You Can Play Today"

Total Value: $47.00

Could you use the same structures, rhythm patterns, and chords to play through hundreds or even thousands of songs?

In this training we discover how to search for those songs, with the chords we already know and the structures that repeat again and again.

This gives you the ability to build up your song repertoire fast! And without effort!

Learn one song and have them all!

Get This For FREE When You Access The Most Import Thing Today! 

Bonus #2 - Winner Songs

"Songs That Make People Want More"

Total Value: $27.00

Don't spend hours searching what songs to play.

We have done the work for you!

Access a list of Winner Songs that everyone will want to sing along to.

Start playing them today!

Get This For FREE When You Access The Most Import Thing Today! 

Bonus #2 - Winner Songs

"Songs That Make People Want More"

Total Value: $27.00

Don't spend hours searching what songs to play.

We have done the work for you!

Access a list of Winner Songs that everyone will want to sing along to.

Start playing them today!

Get This For FREE When You Access The Most Import Thing Today! 

Bonus #3 - Email Support

"Ask Any Question, Any Time"

Total Value: $324.00

Ask any question anytime! 24/7

We have a saying in our office: "The only dumb question is the one you don't ask"

Never let a question hold you back anymore.

You can ask any question related to the course or any other topic!

Get This For FREE When You Access The Most Import Thing Today! 

Bonus #3 - Email Support

"Ask Any Question, 
Any Time"

Total Value: $324.00

Ask any question anytime! 24/7

We have a saying in our office: "The only dumb question is the one you don't ask"

Never let a question hold you back anymore.

You can ask any question related to the course or any other topic!

Get This For FREE When You Access The Most Import Thing Today! 

Bonus #4 - The Roadmap to Success

"25 Years of Knowledge Compressed Into A Simple Training"

Total Value: $ Priceless $

After you go through 'The Most Important Thing' course, the first question most people have is: What's next?

How would pro guitarists learn if they would have to start again?

You have the first piece, the Most Important Thing.

What comes next and in what order should you learn it so you are guaranteed success?

Get This For FREE When You Access The Most Import Thing Today! 

NEW!!! Bonus #5 -  20 Tracks For Beginners

"20 Backing Tracks made for beginners"

Total Value: $127.00

  • 8 One Chord Tracks
  • 6 Two Chord Tracks
  • 4 Three Chord Tracks
  • 2 Four Chord Tracks
  • ​2 Only Drums Tracks
  • ​Downloadable!

Get This For FREE When You Access The Most Import Thing Today! 

Bonus #4 - The Roadmap to Success

"25 Years of Knowledge Compressed Into A Simple Training"

Total Value: $ Priceless $

After you go through 'The Most Important Thing' course, the first question most people have is: What's next?

How would pro guitarists learn if they would have to start again?

You have the first piece, the Most Important Thing.

What comes next and in what order should you learn it so you are guaranteed success?

Get This For FREE When You Access The Most Import Thing Today! 

NEW!!! Bonus #5 -  20 Tracks For Beginners

"20 Backing Tracks made for beginners"

Total Value: $127.00

  • 8 One Chord Tracks
  • 6 Two Chord Tracks
  • 4 Three Chord Tracks
  • 2 Four Chord Tracks
  • ​2 Only Drums Tracks
  • ​Downloadable!

Get This For FREE When You Access The Most Import Thing Today! 

The “cost” of this course is $37, and you get immediate access to start your training.

As soon as you place your order, you will be directed to the next page where you can access the full course and the bonus trainings.

You will also be sent an email with your login information so you can easily access the course from any device.

No matter if it’s 3 AM you can start right now!

And in case you're wondering...

There Is NO CATCH!

I know there are some other programs and trainings out there that offer you a great deal on something but then stick you in some program that charges your credit card every month.

This is not one of them.

There’s no hidden fees or continuity program you have to try.

I want you to get lifetime access to The Most Important Thing rhythm course so you have the most valuable asset you need to get good at guitar.

My hope is that you will use it and it becomes the start of a great relationship between us.


Time Is Of The Essence

You might be asking yourself: Why so much for such a low price?

Simple: I’m putting my best foot forward with the idea that you will be very impressed with what I’m giving you today. 

I’m certain you will get incredible results and hopefully this will make you want to get more trainings from me in the future.

Anyway, with all that said, this is a very limited offer.

If this page is still live, it means the offer is still live. However, I reserve my right to pull it down at any time.

The “cost” of this course is $37, and you get immediate access to start your training.

As soon as you place your order, you will be directed to the next page where you can access the full course and the bonus trainings.

You will also be sent an email with your login information so you can easily access the course from any device.

No matter if it’s 3 AM you can start right now!

And in case you're wondering...

There Is NO CATCH!

I know there are some other programs and trainings out there that offer you a great deal on something but then stick you in some program that charges your credit card every month.

This is not one of them.

There’s no hidden fees or continuity program you have to try.

I want you to get lifetime access to The Most Important Thing rhythm course so you have the most valuable asset you need to get good at guitar.

My hope is that you will use it and it becomes the start of a great relationship between us.


Time Is Of The Essence

You might be asking yourself: Why so much for such a low price?

Simple: I’m putting my best foot forward with the idea that you will be very impressed with what I’m giving you today. 

I’m certain you will get incredible results and hopefully this will make you want to get more trainings from me in the future.

Anyway, with all that said, this is a very limited offer.

If this page is still live, it means the offer is still live. However, I reserve my right to pull it down at any time.

Oh, and in case you are wondering...


Of course there is a 100% money back guarantee.

If in the next 30 days you try the course out and don’t love it for whatever reason, just write an email to the address on the receipt and you will get a full refund.

No questions asked.

Oh, and in case you are wondering...


Of course there is a 100% money back guarantee.

If in the next 30 days you try the course out and don’t love it for whatever reason, just write an email to the address on the receipt and you will get a full refund.

No questions asked.

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Purchase 
'The Most Important Thing' Today!

  • Full Course 'The Most Important Thing'          ($397.00 Value)
  • Bonus Training 'Incredible Song Finder'         ($47.00 Value)
  • Bonus 'Winner Songs'                                          ($27.00 Value)
  • ​Lifetime Email Support                                        ($324.00 Value)
  • ​'The Roadmap To Success'                                  (Priceless!!!)
  • ​'20 Beginner Backing Tracks'                             ($127.00 Value)

Total Value: $922.00

You Only Pay $37 Today! 

And You Get The Bonus Trainings For


Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Purchase 
'The Most Important Thing' Today!

  • Full Course 'The Most Important Thing'          ($397.00 Value)
  • Bonus Training 'Incredible Song Finder'         ($47.00 Value)
  • Bonus 'Winner Songs'                                          ($27.00 Value)
  • ​Lifetime Email Support                                        ($324.00 Value)
  • ​'The Roadmap To Success'                                  ($Priceless) 
  • ​'20 Beginner Backing Tracks'                             ($127.00 Value)

Total Value: $922.00

You Only Pay 
$37 Today! 

And You Get The Bonus Trainings For


This Is Truly A Limited Offer, 
So Take Advantage Before It's Gone...

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, 
So Take Advantage Before It's Gone...

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to seeing you inside the trainings.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to seeing you inside the trainings.

Den López

Den López


In case you just scrolled down to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:

I’m offering a full rhythm course that will set the foundation of everything you will learn in your guitar playing journey.

The course is $37.

I’m also including an exclusive training on how to find 1000’s of songs you can play today. Yes, with what you already know you can play them all. And I’ll show you how in the training.

On top of that, I’m also including unlimited email support. This is a service I’m testing out. You get unlimited questions, forever.

And if that was not enough a bonus called 'Winner Songs' where you can find great songs that everyone loves and sings to. With the videos and chords.

Plus, 'The Roadmap To Guitar Success' training. Never get lost in your journey and know exactly what to focus on. Step by step.

This is a very limited offer because of it’s value.

There is no “catch” to this offer. You will not be signing up to some kind of “monthly” program or anything like that.

If fact you get to try the course and if you don’t like it, write to us before 30 days and you will get a full refund. No questions asked.

Click on the button below to claim this offer now. You won’t regret it.


In case you just scrolled down to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:

I’m offering a full rhythm course that will set the foundation of everything you will learn in your guitar playing journey.

The course is $37.

I’m also including an exclusive training on how to find 1000’s of songs you can play today. Yes, with what you already know you can play them all. And I’ll show you how in the training.

On top of that, I’m also including unlimited email support. This is a service I’m testing out. You get unlimited questions, forever.

And if that was not enough a bonus called 'Winner Songs' where you can find great songs that everyone loves and sings to. With the videos and chords.

Plus, 'The Roadmap To Guitar Success' training. Never get lost in your journey and know exactly what to focus on. Step by step.

This is a very limited offer because of it’s value.

There is no “catch” to this offer. You will not be signing up to some kind of “monthly” program or anything like that.

If fact you get to try the course and if you don’t like it, write to us before 30 days and you will get a full refund. No questions asked.

Click on the button below to claim this offer now. You won’t regret it.

Learning Guitar Secrets. Apdo Correos 18 08029 BCN, Spain
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