"Strum Your Favourite Songs In Minutes!"

From Den López
Barcelona Spain
RE: Your Method to Success 

Dear friend,

It's a FACT - most people fail in their attempt to learn to play the guitar.

Why? Because they try to teach themselves or they have crappy teachers that teach through old, antiquated methods (mostly theory).

 Have you been trying to figure out how to play songs on the guitar?

Are you feeling frustrated trying to learn chords that never seem to sound clean? (When I started out it took me three months to play my first chord)

Are you struggling to find time to even start learning? 

Then this method is the answer you've been looking for.

My name is Den López, guitar instructor at Learning Guitar Secrets and today I've got something really really special I want to offer you. It's called the "Guitar In 1 Hour" method.

When I first started playing the guitar I remember how frustrating it was not being able to play songs for months. The learning curve was so slow I almost gave up.

The reason I didn't I can't really remember. Probably it was because of an excess of time (I was around 13 then..) and a little stubbornness.

But If I'm guessing right you don't have that much time. Right?

Learn to play the Guitar "DECODED"
for those who want to find a way 
to get there IN MINUTES!

Let me tell you about my brand new training. It's called Guitar In 1 Hour and it's the best way to get started playing guitar. 

It's a step-by-step, proven process that takes you from zero to guitar player in under an hour.

And there is no theory involved.

You don't need to have any guitar skills to do this. Anyone can follow this method and play in minutes!

The "Guitar In 1 Hour" Method
"This course will get you started "pronto"!"

"It is like magic."

"Revolutionary! It will change the way we teach guitar forever."

"The #1 Reason Most People Give Up Learning To Play The Guitar"

...is because the way it's taught.

You see. The learning curve in the process of learning guitar is super slow at first. It can take you months to start feeling the joy of playing.  

This is the path everyone is taking: You learn one chord (which is very difficult by the way!) and then you learn another. 

Then you have to move from one to another fast enough to play a song. 

So! If you are extremely diligent you can start playing songs in around 3 months. 1 month if you put in a LOT of work. 

I know this because this is the way I learned (It was so frustrating!!).

Probably the way they tried to show you too right???

"Get Playing Today!"

This method makes your learning curve start here on top. Literally, you will be playing songs you like before the hour is up.

This way you can start having fun playing your favourite songs today!
The "Guitar In 1 Hour" Method
"Don't learn the guitar the hard way. Take the shortcut."

"Everyone is teaching the same stuff but packaged in different ways. This is a complete new concept."

"You will be playing guitar in minutes!"

"How Much Effort Must I Put In?"
Is it really that easy?

Well, you might be wondering how do I get this?

In the past I only taught this method on a one-to-one class.

Because of the incredible value, each of those classes would cost $100. But I spent countless hours going through all my material and put it together in this amazing training.

For just $7! How good is that!  
"If you could learn something that would be valuable for the rest of your life, how much would you pay?"
You can get this skill when you click the link down below to get started immediately!

For Only $7.00
Yes... for about the price of $7, you can get access to a method that took me thousands to create... 

YES DEN! Give Me Instant Access To The "Guitar In 1 Hour"Method RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
"This training has a 100% success rate "
In fact...
"Everyone Who Has Gone Through The Training Is Now A Guitar Player "
They use it to play any song you can dream of, like:
  •  You Can Call Me Al - Paul Simon
  • ​Love Me Do - The Beatles
  • ​I'm A Believer - SmashMouth
  • ​Born In The USA - Bruce Springsteen
  • ​Blowin' In The Wind - Bob Dylan
  • ​Over The Hills And Far Away - Led Zeppelin
  • ​You Shook Me All Night Long - AC DC
  • ​One Thing - One Direction
  • ​All Summer Long - Kid Rock
  • ​She Sells Sanctuary - The Cult
  • ​And many, many more!
It Doesn't Matter If You Feel You Are Not Musical - This Method Works For Everyone
Follow the easy, step by step and get playing songs before the hour ends.

Imagine yourself an hour from now enjoying the sound of your own playing.

Clara Galí Used This SAME METHOD
"To Play 3 Full Songs In One Morning"
Clara Galí went through this method on a Monday night after dinner. She had never played the guitar before. The next morning she sent me videos of her playing 3 full songs! 
When You Get Your Copy Of "Guitar In 1 Hour"(For Just $7.00)
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - The Ultimate Guide to Online Tuners
(The TOP 3 downloaded tuners and how to use them)
"How To Tune Your Guitar So It's Always Perfect"
Total Value: $47
This first training will help you tune your guitar without effort. Other trainings assume you know how to tune your guitar, but you'll be getting it FREE when you order the 'Guitar In 1 Hour' today!

It will help you tune your guitar so it stays in tune all through your playing time. This will help you play with the certainty you are always in tune!
Get This For FREE When You Order 'Guitar in 1 Hour' Today! 
Bonus #2 - Incredible Song Finder
(The Way To Search Hundreds Of Songs You Can Play Today!)
"Search Through Songs in Seconds"
Total Value: $47
When you are short on time you want to be able to play songs you like as fast as possible. The last thing you want is getting caught up scrolling through the internet looking for something you like.

In this video you will learn a fast and easy way to know which chords are in your favourite songs.
Get This For FREE When You Order 'Guitar In 1 Hour' Today! 
Bonus #3 - Easy Guitar Setup/Maintenance Bible
(How To Make Your Guitar Sound And Look Amazing In Three Simple Steps)
"How To Setup Your Guitar To Look And Play Great"
Total Value: $47
Part of the problem beginners have is setting their instrument for success. A good setup will help you play better!

These set of videos will help you setup your guitar for perfect playing comfort and sound. Many people struggle with a guitar that is hard to play or does not sound great.

Get your guitar sounding and looking awesome!

You'll also get this training on "Easy Guitar Setup/Maintenance" for FREE when you sign up today!

Get This For FREE When You Order 'Guitar In 1 Hour' Today! 
Bonus #4 - Tab Reading Decoded
(The Two-Minute Method To Know All The Chords In A Song) 
"Get Access To Any Song In Seconds"
Total Value: $47
One of the most valuable things you can learn is how to figure out what chords are in a song.

Once you know what chords are in it, playing becomes easy and fun!

I'll explain in detail:
  • How to look for songs you like
  • ​How to know which chords to use
  • ​How and when to apply those chords 
Get This For FREE When You Order 'Guitar In 1 Hour' Today! 
Bonus #5 - Plectrum/Flatpick Choice Generator
(How To Choose The Best One For You)
"Get The Pick That best Suits Your Playing"
Total Value: $47
Quickly know what plectrum is best for you. Depending on the style of music you want to play there are infinite choices out there.

This video will help you decide which pick to use. Don't spend time and money going through all of them. Get a head start and choose the right one!
Get This For FREE When You Order 'Guitar In 1 Hour' Today! 

And again, you'll get access to this entire thing, the training and the bonuses for just seven bucks!

This is going to change your life... this is why I've made it SO INEXPENSIVE for you today!

What Else Could You Buy For Seven Bucks?

Alright. You could probably get a hamburger and a happy meal at Mcdonald's...

Or you could get some coffee at Starbucks with some whipped cream on top. 


You Could Get The Method That Will Make You Become A Guitar Player Today.

I want you to make sure you take advantage of this. And so for you, I'm trying to make this an irresistible offer, because I know when you go through this training, your life and the life of the people around you will change.

So all you're doing now is down below. There's going to be a link for $7. Okay. And as soon as you buy it will give you access immediately.

You can have access to the training and the bonuses here in 15 seconds, all you do is click the link down below, and I'll send this to you right away and you can start playing the guitar.

There Is NO CATCH!
When I first started playing the guitar everything was so confusing, hard and frustrating...

Although every little progress I made was very gratifying, the big picture remained a mystery for me for almost 20 years...

So many people start and then give up. I believe it's because the traditional way of learning is painful and slow. It doesn't reward you immediately for the effort you put in. 

You might be wondering why I'm doing all this... I believe that:
  •  Knowing how to play is a gift that everyone should experience.
  • ​Everyone learns differently. Maybe my way of teaching suits you better.
  • ​If you find joy in playing FAST you are more likely to keep playing.
  • ​There is always more to learn. If you like how I teach maybe you'll come back again in the future.
Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price.
This course is on a limited offer now. It could go up any time or be included in the full Learning Guitar Course.

Because of the value included, we are not sure how long it will be available.

If you want to start playing the guitar TODAY take advantage of the offer now.
  • How will knowing how to play the guitar impact your life?
  • ​How will you feel when playing your favourite songs?
Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee
I know 100% that you are going to love this training. I also know you re going to be playing in the next hour. 

If for any reason you don't, I'll return your $7 and let you keep the training anyway.

I am so confident I'm willing to take the risk.

If you don’t feel that The 'Guitar In 1 Hour' Method is worth 10 times what you invested, send me an email within 30 days of getting the training and bonuses and I’ll refund your $7. No questions asked. Fair?

You Must Act Fast!
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order The 'Guitar In 1 Hour' Method.
You Could Get The Script That Has Made Me More Money Than Anything Else I've Ever Done In This Business.
YES DEN! Give Me Instant Access To The 'Guitar In 1 Hour' Method And Bonuses RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
  Instant Access To (Guitar In 1 Hour)                         (Value $97)
  'The Ultimate Guide to Online Tuners'                     (Value $47)
  'Incredible Song Finder'                                             (Value $47)
  'Easy Guitar Setup/Maintenance Bible'                   (Value $47)
  'Tab Reading Decoded'                                               (Value $47)
  'Plectrum/Flatpick Choice Generator'                     (Value $47)
Total Value: $332
Today Just $7

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your Training Now Before It's Gone...

With that said, I hope you enjoy the training. I hope you use it.

I want you to give this, put it into your hands because I know how it will transform your life  forever. 

Thanks again,
Den López
P.S. Did you just skip to the bottom of the page wanting to know what the deal was? 

You get The 'Guitar In 1 Hour' Method and training (instant access). That is the SAME training my students use to start playing guitar from scratch. In 1 hour! I countless hours perfecting this method so it worked every time. And it does. 

I also give all the cool tips and tricks so you can start enjoying playing NOW. And it’s only $7. That’s it.

Just click the button below right now to start playing! 
YES DEN! Give Me Instant Access To The'Guitar In 1 Hour'Method RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything Your Going To Get
  • Instant Access To The 'Guitar In 1 Hour' Method (Value $97)
  • 'The Ultimate Guide to Online Tuners'                    (Value $47)
  • 'Incredible Song Finder'                                               (Value $47)
  • ​'Easy Guitar Setup/Maintenance Bible'                   (Value $47)
  • 'Tab Reading Decoded'                                                 (Value $47)
  • ​'Plectrum/Flatpick Choice Generator'                     (Value $47)
Total Value: $332
Today Just $7

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $37: Want access to thousands of songs to choose from? A complete list to all the songs you can play with this training. Just choose a song and play along! Click YES to add this to your order now for just $37! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)

Items Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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